Manga is a Japanese version of comics written in the Japanese language and created using a style developed in the late 19th century. Manga’s current popularity is also so great that almost everyone around the world knows and reads manga. This makes many people read solo leveling to be used as a reference in manga art.
Because it is undeniable that the aesthetics of the manga is also quite high so many people feel motivated to make it. But of course, it is not easy to do, especially for beginners. That’s why you made a guide for beginners if you want to make Manga art as follows.
Making Bright Lines
First of all, what can be done to make Manga art is to make a clear line first. The purpose of the bright line is not a line made using light color ink. Instead, a thin line is made using a pencil with small pressure so that it looks thin and bright. It can be said that this line is a sketch before being given a dark line.
Using Construction Lines
The second step is to use construction lines to build the desired pattern. The construction line itself is another word for the auxiliary line. This line is used when someone wants to create a symmetrical pattern like a face. So make a line that is used to divide the middle of the face to make it look more symmetrical.
Starting Draw from Largest to Smallest
To be able to create good Manga art make sure that the image looks reasonable. For example, is the Proportion size of each body part in the character. That’s why you should start drawing from the largest to the smallest. An example is drawing the body first, then drawing the head, and then drawing the face. Applying this will produce fine art like when you read solo leveling.
Keep Drawing the Hidden Part
The next stage that beginners need to do but are often in the picture is the hidden part. An example of a hidden part in the manga is like the middle part or one eye on a female character who is covered by hair. Usually, most people will not draw the part.
In this section, it is very important to draw even if only using light lines. So that when it is perfectly based on the sketch, the bright line can be removed at the end.
More Drawing Practice
The next stage is that you can try to increase your practice in drawing so that you are more accustomed to making manga art. Because many people skip this because they feel that to do it is quite easy to do if you can memorize a character.
Increasing the portion of practice will be one of the most important aspects to make you more master of the manga drawing style.
Learning Various Manga Styles
The last way that can be done is to try to learn the various styles of manga that can be tried. This can be done easily if you look at various manga works and identify the characters one by one. Try to read solo leveling so you can have enough knowledge about various manga characters.