Relax Your Mind With Music

Be it lullaby music, relaxation music, or meditation music, this is the type of music that can make us escape from the burden of life. This type of music has melodic instrumentals and slow tempo, you can get it through Tubidy free music download.

How Can Relaxation Music Make Us Relax Or Fall Asleep Easily?

Since this type of music can relax us, we can call it relaxation music. Generally speaking, music has various effects on our minds and body. Listening to music can have effects on our heart rate, breathing, hormone release, emotional, cognitive, and even immune systems.

One of the music that you can use as a “healing medium” is relaxation music. Listening to this music before bed will help you manage your body into a “sleeping version”. Not only physically but also psychologically.

Relaxation music can improve your sleep and make your body feel more relaxed. Here are some ways in which relaxation music effects can make you more relaxed and sleep easier.

  • Lower heart rate intensity
  • Slows down breathing
  • Lower blood pressure levels
  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Soothes the nerves
  • Reducing hormones that can inhibit sleep (cortisol)
  • Stimulate “sleep hormones” (oxytocin and serotonin)

Quite a few studies argue that classical music can be a relaxing solution and is an effective measure to overcome sleep problems. The power of relaxation music is that it slows down the heart rate and improves breathing. With these powers, music can relax your muscles and mind.

Not limited to relaxation music, if we make a playlist of our favorite songs and listen to them, it can be quite influential on sleep quality. However, the recommended playlist for relaxation and falling asleep are songs that have a low tempo.

You can have music or songs with 60-80 bps, and have a low amplitude. Other aspects to consider are having a soft feel and having a slight phase change. Relaxation music is known to reduce the burden of thoughts or stress.

So that you no longer feel excessive anxiety. But it’s better not to wear earphones or a headset when listening to relaxation music. Why? Because it can make you feel less comfortable while wearing it. Especially when you roll onto your side while sleeping.

Choose the Best Music For You To Relax With It

After a long day, it’s time to relax. But some things bother us when we want to start falling asleep, many things can pop out suddenly on our heads. This can make it even harder to fall asleep.

What could be a solution is relaxation music. So what music is appropriate for relaxation? Some of the points below might help you to explore the best music for relaxation:

1. Music with nature sounds/meditation music

As some people know, meditation music is quite synonymous with the sounds of nature. This type of music can be one of the best music for your relaxation time. So what are the sounds of nature? It can be the sound of the wind blowing, birds chirping, water flowing, and so on.

The sounds of nature can make you feel relaxed quickly because this meditation music can make your mind more calm.

See also : 8 Ways to Recognize Musical Hearing

2. Classic contemporary

Another category of music is contemporary classical, this music has a slow tempo, and this genre of music is very relaxing. It means there is no high intensity on the rise and fall of the notes. The music continues to flow slowly without elements that make us “startle” so we will more easily reach the point of relaxation.

3. Chill music

So what is “chill music”? You can call folk, jazz, and blues as chill music but also pay attention to the composition. Some of these genres of music can provide a relaxing feel and can calm your mind enough.

You just need to choose music with the right wave that can make you slowly fall asleep.

4. Acoustic music

Now, we can easily find an acoustic music collection, Tubidy free music download provides many best acoustic songs. Acoustic music is indeed one of the music that can make us relax. But it would be better if you choose acoustic songs without high vocal tones or vocals with loud volume.

The absence of vocals in acoustic music can have a more calming effect. As we all know, acoustic means using string instruments, one of which is the most common guitar.

Choose relaxation music based on the categories above. Choose the one that best suits what you need to relax. Because each person has a different state of relaxation.

What you should avoid in choosing music for relaxation is music that can increase your emotional state. Avoid music that not only triggers sadness but also makes us easily happy.

Music like that can trigger many things to come to mind and can even make you more active. Another thing to consider is remembering the songs that you have found suitable for relaxation because you might forget them.

If you’ve found some relaxing music, try tagging it or making a playlist with it. If you’re playing songs randomly, there’s a good chance that the song that ruins your relaxation will come on the next playback.

Rituals Before Enjoying Relaxation Music

You can rely on relaxation music to start your sleep, meditation, and so on. But there are certain rituals you need to do, make sure to calm your mind and body. A warm bath might make the preparation easier.

You also need to turn off your laptop, television, and others so that your mind is easier to calm down. Another thing that might help is to make your sleeping conditions as comfortable as possible. It means you should clean and make your bed. Set up a nightlight as well with a dim light.

Keep your breathing as relaxed as possible, try breathing deeply for a few seconds until your heart rate slows down. Get rid of all your burdens, don’t let your bad thoughts affect your rest time. If you need some relaxation music, Tubidy free music download can help you.