How to Write a Condolence Note

Maintaining a relationship with other people is one of the most important things to do today. This is done so that you can feel closer to someone without worrying about chatting with them.

To be able to maintain a relationship that can be done in various ways. But one of the most important things is to keep communicating. Communication can also be done directly or indirectly through letters.

For example, giving condolences to someone who is grieving. This is very mandatory if you have not communicated with that person for a long time. Because by giving these words, of course, you can maintain your relationship with that person.

Reasons Why Write Condolences

It should be noted that you should write a letter of condolences to your acquaintances. This is because several reasons make you obliged to write the letter. After all, it will have some impact.

One of them is to be able to maintain communication between you and someone. Although it can be said that it has been a long time since we have not communicated, starting communication again through this letter will be able to improve relations.

The second reason is that the bereaved party will feel that you are concerned and feel sympathy for them. So that your words can make the party feel that you are like their own family because they still care about them.

How to Write a Condolence Letter

Although this expression can be said directly easily when face to face, many people feel confused about how to write it by letter. That’s why the following information for more details.

The first is that you can try to give a reason why you wrote the condolence letter. Because if you write a letter directly to the point without giving a reason why you are writing the letter, it will certainly look impolite.

At least you must provide a reason why the letter was written, for example, it could be because you heard the news of the death of a family member, or it could also use other valid reasons.

The second way if you want to write a condolence letter then try to offer help. Although later the party who receives the letter will not take it seriously, at least this shows that you also sympathize and sincerely want to help them.

Say That You Won’t Forget It

The next way can be done by saying that you will not forget the person who has died. Whether the letter is intended for the deceased or the deceased’s family, you still have to include the words “I will not forget you”.

Because with words like this it will show that the person is so precious to you that it is impossible to forget him. For families who read this letter, of course, will also feel very touched so that it will be able to strengthen the relationship between you.


Although the condolence letter looks quite simple and trivial, it is important to know that words like this can strengthen and strengthen your relationship with other people. Because this letter will show you how much they mean to you so you can take the time to write to them.