8 Elements for Your E-Learning Design

E-learning is now widely used for certain education and training. The main focus and goal of e-learning are that the audience can focus and ensure they can get the best results from the training.

The general purpose of making e-learning is to increase knowledge, change student behavior, and student satisfaction in gaining knowledge.

E-learning requires a computer as the main device. If you want to create a user-friendly e-learning design, of course, you have to pay attention to several things.

AlfinTech Computer will provide some tips to create a design that is easily understood by all e-learning users. So, you can provide satisfaction to all users.

Computer Elements That Can Be Used in E-Learning Design

As we know that e-learning must offer easy usage and the interface can be understood by all students.

Therefore, several important elements must be present in e-learning design. Here are some things to note:

  1. Navigation

When designing e-learning, the first thing to consider is intuitive navigation. If there is no navigation, then students will not understand what they have to do.

With this navigation, it means that you have made this e-learning simple and user-friendly. Even many students are frustrated because e-learning has confusing navigation.

For example, you can put navigation links in the e-learning design. Also, make sure the navigation elements you add can be seen and reached by users.

  1. Informative Introduction Screen

You also need to create a sufficiently informative introductory screen that explains to students what they expect from this lesson.

Write a letter explaining that students should be interested and know the benefits of this training. Give some clear and relevant instructions so students know what to do.

You can also use some important elements that you can get at https://www.alfintechcomputer.com to create an e-learning design.

  1. Write Easy-to-Read Text

Avoid putting text with long paragraphs, long sentences, and very large blocks of text. Because this can make students frustrated during this training.

You can use shorter sentences and add more media so that students better understand the purpose of this training. You can add some important elements obtained from AlfinTech Computer for e-learning design.

Make short paragraphs and present actual information to students. This will increase student satisfaction in using the e-learning website that you create.

  1. Create Interesting Content

E-learning does not only focus on training, but you also have to add some other content. Such as images, audio, video, and other user-friendly interactive elements.

You can add some information related to training. This will make the learner better understand the training quickly.

  1. Add Guide Icons and Tips

When you explain something complex, it will cause many paragraphs that interfere with the e-learning interface.

Moreover, adding a long explanation, may not be needed by all students. To work around this, you can add tooltips or guides that can be revealed to students by clicking.

You can add a question mark icon next to a navigation element or given instructions. By tapping this question mark icon, students can get more information about what they have to do.

  1. Consistent View

To create an e-learning design, you need to create a consistent display. Keep the module layout consistent across all screens.

This will make it easier for students to reach all the training materials easily.

  1. Responsive Design

The most important thing in creating an e-learning design is a responsive design. You should not design e-learning for desktop viewing only.

This can make your e-learning website unfriendly to smartphone users. Make e-learning designs that are responsive and can be used on various devices.

  1. Fast Loading

Of course, you have to make fast loading on your e-learning page. Because slow loading can make students frustrated.

Make sure the e-learning website that you create is faster loading. So, students can get a more enjoyable training experience.

Thus AlfinTech Computer recommends some computer elements that you can include in your e-learning design. All of these elements must be present in your e-learning design to increase student satisfaction.

Of course, with this user-friendly e-learning design, students can follow instructions well. Especially if you add a reciprocal feature that allows them to provide tips and suggestions for the e-learning website to be further improved and can make students get the perfect training.